
zero guilt....

woke up
ate a bagel
went to karate
came home
vacuumed and cleaned up
just ate a twix bar
washed it down with a beer
still have not showered
it's not even noon
thank you daylight savings


space madness...

where is my beloved ice cream bar?


dear neighbor...

yes, it's me... i'm the girl blasting music all day long on a sunday while i'm cleaning house... i understand that you might have had an open house for your condo today, and maybe i should apologize for having hit the 'repeat' button when i started by listening to James:Laid, but i won't dear neighbor, because i don't care if it made you crazy.... in fact, i bet you never realized that anyone could love Erasure as much as i did today when i cranked the Pop20 greatest hits cd so goddamn loud and sang at the top of my lungs (quite poorly, of course) to more than a handful of those songs... well, i'm almost on the last leg of the housecleaning, and i'm feeling a bit sluggish and need a pick-me-up... yes, dear neighbor, that's The Clash:London Calling you hear right now that's giving me that much needed pick-me-up... and yes, that faint click you heard in fact was me pressing the repeat button, again.

learning curve...

i finally made a pot of coffee today just now... it's a slow sunday.
i need to clean my house, it's making my brain so cluttered.
i spent most all of the morning laying around in bed.
i'd like to read the 'it's not about me' script today.
i can still smell the bacon from breakfast.
i think my coffee is ready.
i am trying not to vent.


give it away now...

to the spying fisheye:
if you ever happen back here, remember to give the girl a lil' somethin to let her know.
nahmean? :P


attention! people on the streets of l.a., listen up...

for those of you driving around town:

a. if you don't actually have somewhere to be, please pull over and get out of the way for those of us who actually have somewhere to go and probably should have been there 10 minutes ago.

b. unless you're getting directions to wherever it is you're supposed to be, hang up the damn cell phone and pay attention to the road.

to the pedestrians:

think back to when you were a child... remember learning the proper way to cross the street at a stop sign?
here's a refresher course just for you: "stop...look left...look right...then look left again" before proceeding into the street.
learn to live like that's your mantra... and wipe that dirty sneer off your face when i don't stop for you as you try to step in front of my car while i am already through the intersection.



karma crap chute

the chute door was stuck open, and i was standing just so.... i didn't want to do anything but sit and stew in my anger at having to stay late at work tonight as a result of bossman's procrastination... i went home after work and planned to throw in the towel for the night, but instead received a little nudge to rehabilitate some of the plans i missed out for the evening... at least i didn't miss the awesome winning performance


*rock*--> me <--*hard place*

she obsessed about the ex a bit that night so we reverted back to teenage antics and called him... it was too loud on the line and he could not really hear me so there was no conversation and i cut it short, a bit thankful really and feeling saved from the stupidity of the situation. then i got an email, asking why i called. i had no idea he'd even realized it was me calling, but i suppose the photo evidence didn't help. so he emails me, and i responded to it blandly and thanked him for being a good sport about it. end of story. yeah right. he asked for my chat screenname and proceeded to dig a bit further for info. i told him she was not over him. he didn't want to hear it, because he's missing her quite a bit and the whiskey haze was making him feel weak. i told him to call her. he's still not ready for anything serious and doesn't want to hurt her... but confessed that if she called him he would greet her with open arms. he admits it was good when they were together but got spooked because she was moving it along too quickly, and although he wanted to be friends after the fact, that *slap* she administered sealed the deal that it was not to be. it only lasted 6 weeks total. 'call her', i said again. there's still too much pride to swallow before he can do that...

of course she knows nothing of the conversation he had with me. i wish i could tell her what he said but i don't want to give her false hope. it's hard for me not to feel disloyal for having been his sounding board. she obsesses about why he broke up with her, and if he's dating anyone, and if he blocked her from aim, and i suspect every time she attends a function she wonders if she'll run into him. it would make a huge difference in her self esteem if she knew how he felt, even if he never calls her again.... but i suspect he will eventually call her and try to be friends.