
3 words....


(a curse on whomever brought it to my house and left it there!)

((well, not really, but you know who you are and you will pay dearly!))

(((oh man, i am so tired right now, and goddamnit why the hell does my brain think it's thursday when it's only wednesday?!?)))



in a nutshell...

You are happy, driven, and status conscious.
You want everyone to know how successful you are.
Very logical, you see life as a game of strategy.

A bit of a loner, you prefer to depend on yourself.
You always keep your cool and your composure.
You are a born leader and business person.

link via crooks & liars


a different kind of voyeurism....

the truth hurts

i think from time to time we all wonder what friends, co-workers and neighbors are really thinking but are afraid to say... so at postsecret you can maybe get a glimpse into the minds of others, and maybe even feel compelled to share your own secret(s) or whimsical fantasies.


what's up, cookiepuss?

ok, so i spent i think more than an hour listening to one of my favOrite Out-of-tOwners vent, and i am only posting this because i today realized that, despite the fact she's never made it known, she already knew about this cobweb invested corner of my brain. so in all fairness i must admit that during her vent i did a moderate amount of turning the tables, as any good advocate would do. i hope i made her laugh and feel a little lighter through my the verbal beating (which was more like a vivgorous massage, if you ask me -- har). also, it turns out that i didn't have a can of beets in the cupboard, which is too bad since it would have made a great pic (close up of me eating the beets)... maybe tomorrow.


change of pace...

and by "change" i mean i need to up it.

day one of many, today i started doing yoga (again) and am vowing to stick with it (again). i made it through the basic workout and 1/2 way through the fat burning workout. felt it everywhere and kept falling over to a minimum. i yawned when i should have been breathing, and still i feel more awake post workout than i have all day long. (crap, of course now i must confess to nodding off for a few minutes while i wrote this.)