
friendship with dvl, multiple choice...

(a)  i like you and you love everything about me and so we're friends
(b)  i like you, but you don't love everything about me but you like me enough to find a way to tolerate the stuff that irks you, and so we're friends
(c)  i like you, but you don't love most things about me and for some reason insist on being my friend (perhaps to continually annoy me by trying to repress me and make me someone that i am not)
(d)  i don't really like you, i was just being polite, so fuck off.


... not as i do.

"The unwillingness to try is worse than any failure."
- Nikki Giovanni -
i have no business posting a quote like that.


kinda like reading tea leaves, only not so much...

being a virgo makes me a quirky kind of clean/neat freak... i strongly believe that most everything has a place where it belongs, and am happiest when things are organized... though as most of you can guess 'orgainzed' does not necessarily mean 'neat', and i definitely pick and choose my battles when it comes to chores.  i am the kind of clean/neat/organizational freak that will on a whim decide to scrub the bathroom sink fixtures with a detergent and a toothbrush, but will walk around the same pile of laundry growing in the middle of the floor as if it does not exist.  i also like to vaccuum... don't say i never warned you about the strangeness, because i know i did.


purloined: involuntary guest blogging

...It starts out so innocently. That smile... Yes, she's funny, smart, intelligent, sweet, tough as nails...

The first time you see her... you can't help but move a bit closer... you know... to hear what she's saying -- I mean, look at the crowd around her... the beautiful people, flocking to her -- there's something...

Then she sees you... and you know you're in trouble. You've felt it -- come on, I know you have. Yeah! the chest tightens, the heart skips... "Oh, um, hi" you say (it's always the same).

And, in a moment, it's over....except for the warm BUZZ that doesn't seem to go away... No blood. No scars. It just takes a nanosecond... and then it's over.

No evidence that you've gifted her your soul... well, except for those damned digital images that she so sweetly and "innocently" taunts you with.


a good friend is like a girdle....

.... supportive, comfortable and no matter how loose you are, keeps it all a secret.


love plus one...

when i was younger i only had maybe a handful of friends that were my age, and the rest of the people i hung out with were older (ranging between 5-10 years older). mostly this was the result of having an awesome fake id at such an early age which allowed me to spend my teens in clubs and bars. it's not even that the people i knew or met at these clubs and bars were fooled by my id, or that i even tried to hide how young i was... but it got me in the mix of things, and that's where i wanted to be, and in order to stay there it was prudent to make as many friends as possible to maintain the credibility and not get kicked out of any particular establishment. of course, it's always the desire of the young to be old, and the desire of the old to lie like hell about their true age... but as i said, i never had trouble being my own age, and i still don't. the other day, however, i came to the realization that with the exception of the same small handful of friends i have had for decades now, i am now the oldest friend in any particular group that i hang out with... ranging from being older by merely a few weeks or months to almost 15 years, i am the oldest one. i just hope none of my younger counterparts ever mistakes me for being any wiser than the wise-ass i have always been.

can't get this song out of my head today....

when the routine bites hard, and ambitions are low.
and the resentment rides high, but emotions won't grow.
and we're changing our ways, taking different roads,
then love, love will tear us apart again.
why is the bedroom so cold, turned away on your side?
is my timing that flawed, our respect run so dry?
yet there's still this appeal, that we've kept through our lives,
love, love will tear us apart again.
do you cry out in your sleep, all my failings exposed.
get a taste in my mouth, as desperation takes hold.
is it something so good, just can't function no more?
when love, love will tear us apart again....
(joy division)

i'm thinking about: what to think about....

... and i think i may have just hurt myself.


let me go on like i blister in the sun....

tonight i had the pleasure of meeting my RWBS blogmate Madmathias and Monique of My New Best Friend (who truly if they weren't leaving to live hundreds of thousands of miles away i know for sure they'd be my new best friends)... honestly, and it's not the jaegermeister speaking, there are not enough words to express how great these people are -- but maybe i can conjure up just a few: first, Mad flew to SoCal from Wisconsin today to accompany Moni on her road trip to New England... what kind of guy would do this? a fucking awesome guy!!! second, originally our plans were to meet up on thursday night for cocktails and such, but as time was of the essence for them to pack and prepare for the road trip, Moni agreed to pick up Mad from an already delayed flight coming into the airport in OC and drive straight to LA tonight to meet up with me before they left... what kinda of gal would do this? a fucking awesome gal!!! seriously, i just met these two fine folks tonight for the first time, and i already miss them and am kinda feeling cheated that they're leaving me (*hint hint* that you guys always have a place to crash when you come back to visit, and you'd better come back to SoCal to visit soon)... i am so super jealous of their upcoming road trip, but i expect to see pics of things like the Largest Ball of Twine or Largest Puddle of Mud and such, and maybe they'll grace us with an audioblog or two from the road (i personally would like to hear them singing some show tunes... Button Up Your Overcoat anyone?)

peace in your travels, kids....