p.s. i suck
today i was rushing to pick up the little from school and was running a few minutes late (big surprise). when i got there, there was only one or two other parents outside. little came out of the gate and i handed her her new pink camouflage dodgers baseball cap (she was bummed this morning when i told her that school rules are no hats allowed, and so i promised her that i would have it waiting for her at the gate when i picked her up). easy breezy, right?
i missed a call on my cell phone when i was at my mom's, and i listened to the message as i was driving out to go back to my office.
i forgot to pick up J, my friend L's kid, and take her home today.
i forgot.
*hangs head in shame*
it's not like it should have slipped my mind, L asked me just this morning at school if i could do it, and of course it's no problem so i agreed... i don't know what happened and why it slipped my mind... J wasn't in the yard when i picked up the little, but maybe she was still getting her stuff from her locker. i think the fact that i was running late and was one of the last parents there to pick up and that i didn't see J at the gate too... i guess we usually tell the kids when we're carpooling so at least they can stick together and remind us... i just feel like such an ass. of course J was safe the whole time - she was ushered to the office where she sat around and played games while they called her mom to come get her.
after i got the message, i called and talked to L and J both safely on their way home now, and L was very understanding, and J got on the phone and said "it's ok, i still love you, i survived it", and L reassured me that brain farts happen and she was just happy that nothing had happened to me and little (L thought maybe i had picked up little early for some emergency reason because J said she didn't see little in the yard during pick ups - this makes me think that J was running later than i was and we just missed her...)
ugh, i cannot believe i forgot.
i'll be kicking myself for this one for a long time to come.
pink camouflage… so one can not be seen in a flock of flamingoes? :)
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