
the little league goes big time....

remember walter mathau's character in bad news bears? the other day i saw a guy driving around helLA that looked like an ex-hippie or ex-biker - though it was not clear which. he was racing through the market parking lot in a brown, mid-70's convertible - like a Cutlas, or an Electra, or a Skylark, or maybe a GranVille... whatever it was, the top was down, of course because this is SoCal, but moreso because it probably no longer goes back up or it's so weather worn that it would act more as a skylight rather than a shelter from the elements. the license plate on the car was "P WEA PR". so i'm guessing that the driver is more than likely among the ranks of the managers and/or agents that represent child actors... but just who are his clients? are they the straight-laced fresh shining faces we see on the most recent juice box commercials? are they the wrong-side-of-the-tracks kids in after school specials about saying no to drugs? i think it would be funny if he was an agent/manager for potential child actors in the 70's that never got their big break, and now he's still got a handful or more of these same has-been or never-been clients that still kinda are dorky looking like kids but are now all grown up and still waiting for their big break... with fingers crossed that someday they can land a role and they'll be the next 35 year old high school freshman.


Blogger Andrew said...

why didn't you remind me of this when i was looking for something to write a screenplay about?


4/05/2005 6:26 PM  

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