get up, come on get down with the sickness...
i'm at home with a cold today. i was congested and slightly fevered so i left work a little bit early yesterday to sleep it off, but no big deal that it's stuck with me another day. after a nyquil induced hibernation, i woke up this morning groggy, with just enough sense to help get little ready for school. i dont spend much time at home alone ever, so i couldn't decide where i would be more comfy for the recouping day at home - on the comfy couches or on the bed. i opted for the bed, which is where i am right now. but before i planted here comfortably, i actually had to make the bed... the same bed i just slept in for the night had to be made before i could get back into it to relax for the day. this concludes yet another installment of 'anal retentive theater'.
*takes bow*
Sickness is just nature's way of telling you that you're sick.
Feel better and remember that sickness is just the oposite of healthy.
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