there's a ladybug on my window at work right now. i was ecstatic when i saw it from across the room, because ladybugs are so pretty and for some reason i always felt like ladybugs were good luck when they're around. i got up closer to inspect it and realized it's all faded and brown and looks more like a potato bug, and it made me feel not so lucky. :-/ as i started writing this post i thought about that unlucky feeling, and at this very moment i just watched it take flight and leave. the end.
I wonder if her house was on fire and and her children were alone.
I used to think ladybugs were wonderful. Then something changed and there were thousands of them around my home town. Almost a plague. Iowa is a great place for insects.
But I still love butterflies. Give me a million, and I'd still love them.
How do you do that? Can I touch you? You are someone that I wish I knew.
Yeah, ladybugs have worn out their welcome in michigan lately, they've gotten a worse rep than cockroaches.
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