
keeping score...

... this morning i had the pleasure of overhearing two older jewish mothers get in a friendly pissing contest.

the Little attended a bday party where the spread was a large long table of goodies to nosh on - bagels, fruit, chips, cookies, sticky buns, and the like. at one point most all of the party guests and parents had headed outside to watch the kids make slime with the mad scientist, and so i went to the table in search of whatever caffeine i could find. as i poured myself a diet soda i saw two women talking and i easily identified them as the grandmothers of the bday girl. they were both admiring the spread of food that was on the table and just as the maternal grandmother complimented and praised her daughter for all her hard work at preparing such a beautiful spread the paternal grandmother promptly gave all the credit to her son by commenting that he had been the one to go shopping at costco for the food. this continued pleasantly back and forth for a few minutes before i was distracted and walked away. what's funny is what i know will probably happen at the end of the party or the end of the day -- the parents who threw the party will smile at eachother a smile of relief and be glad that they, as a team, pulled it off.



... i have a drinking problem that manifests when i wear white clothes. today gravity aided in the unexpected coffee inspired decor to my white dress shirt.

*takes a bow*


where's my padded cell?

as if what happened earlier today wasn't me being completely brainless, (thinking, of course, that maybe i'm suffering from a lack of caffeine) i just went downstairs to get a diet soda... i put my money in the vending machine, and without thinking i pressed the first button... for a coca-cola classic. i only drink diet soda. i never drink regular soda because it's just too sweet for me, and i especially cannot handle the hefty dose of sugar contained in regular coke. should i call a cab instead of driving myself home at the end of the day? what else could i possibly do wrong today?

p.s. i suck

today i was rushing to pick up the little from school and was running a few minutes late (big surprise). when i got there, there was only one or two other parents outside. little came out of the gate and i handed her her new pink camouflage dodgers baseball cap (she was bummed this morning when i told her that school rules are no hats allowed, and so i promised her that i would have it waiting for her at the gate when i picked her up). easy breezy, right?

i missed a call on my cell phone when i was at my mom's, and i listened to the message as i was driving out to go back to my office.

i forgot to pick up J, my friend L's kid, and take her home today.

i forgot.

*hangs head in shame*

it's not like it should have slipped my mind, L asked me just this morning at school if i could do it, and of course it's no problem so i agreed... i don't know what happened and why it slipped my mind... J wasn't in the yard when i picked up the little, but maybe she was still getting her stuff from her locker. i think the fact that i was running late and was one of the last parents there to pick up and that i didn't see J at the gate too... i guess we usually tell the kids when we're carpooling so at least they can stick together and remind us... i just feel like such an ass. of course J was safe the whole time - she was ushered to the office where she sat around and played games while they called her mom to come get her.

after i got the message, i called and talked to L and J both safely on their way home now, and L was very understanding, and J got on the phone and said "it's ok, i still love you, i survived it", and L reassured me that brain farts happen and she was just happy that nothing had happened to me and little (L thought maybe i had picked up little early for some emergency reason because J said she didn't see little in the yard during pick ups - this makes me think that J was running later than i was and we just missed her...)

ugh, i cannot believe i forgot.

i'll be kicking myself for this one for a long time to come.



i have not updated in so long that i had forgotten what the last post i wrote was about!